Very often the burning question for entrepreneurs is ‘How do I make that breakthrough with my business ?’
Well, advance notice . . . I’m going to have a bit of fun with this !
So let me ask you, what comes to mind of when you think of a ‘quantum leap’ ?
Maybe a dramatic advance, or sudden improvement ?
The term was coined in the mid 1900s when physicists observed a sudden change — from one energy state to another — within an atom. So it was noted that quantum particles can change their state very quickly. And this is where the answer lies to that burning question : we can make quantum leaps in life and in business with an understanding of energy !
We often look at where we direct our energy outwardly — what we’re working on in our business, or how . . . but we often forget (or neglect) how the energy is actually flowing within us. More recent quantum physicists’ discoveries that everything is energy calls us for a radical review of how we perceive ourselves and our own energy. By that I mean what our ‘energetic whole’ consists of — including our thoughts, beliefs, emotions and actions — and exactly how that energy impacts our environment.
To make any kind of quantum leap, we need to look at ways of changing our own energetic state.
So, on the micro (moment-by-moment) scale, if you’re feeling stuck in what you’re working on, your best bet is to physically move. This can be as simple as getting up, making a cup of tea or doing something which makes you happy or laugh for a few minutes — whatever it takes to change your energy and get some positive energy flowing. By changing your energy and emotions, you’ll immediately make a different energetic impact, and by doing so you will get a different result — possibly finding answers and solutions. And If you think I sound like the ‘nutty professor’, I challenge you to try it next time you’re feeling a bit blocked or stuck (and please do let me know what happens when you do!).
Similarly thereafter — on the larger scale — for that quantum leap in life and in business, the first place you need to look is at your energetic whole and the energy in motion (or ‘e-motion’) within you. Because this affects not only how you feel, but also the energy which surrounds you — and therefore the impact you make and the outcomes you create, both immediately and ultimately in the larger world too.
Having fun yet? 😉
Onwards and upwards — a.k.a ‘Stress to Success’
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